Workflows API
The Workflows API provides methods to interact with and execute automated workflows in Mastra.
Getting All Workflows
Retrieve a list of all available workflows:
const workflows = await client.getWorkflows();
Working with a Specific Workflow
Get an instance of a specific workflow:
const workflow = client.getWorkflow("workflow-id");
Workflow Methods
Get Workflow Details
Retrieve detailed information about a workflow:
const details = await workflow.details();
Start workflow run asynchronously
Start a workflow run with triggerData and await full run results:
const {runId} = workflow.createRun()
const result = await workflow.startAsync({
triggerData: {
param1: "value1",
param2: "value2",
Resume Workflow run asynchronously
Resume a suspended workflow step and await full run result:
const {runId} = createRun({runId: prevRunId})
const result = await workflow.resumeAsync({
stepId: "step-id",
contextData: { key: "value" },
Watch Workflow
Watch workflow transitions
// Get workflow instance
const workflow = client.getWorkflow("workflow-id");
// Create a workflow run
const {runId} = workflow.createRun()
// Watch workflow run{runId},(record)=>{
// Every new record is the latest transition state of the workflow run
activePaths: record.activePaths,
context: record.context,
timestamp: record.timestamp,
runId: record.runId
// Start workflow run
triggerData: {
city: 'New York',
Resume Workflow
Resume workflow run and watch workflow step transitions
//To resume a workflow run, when a step is suspended
const {run} = createRun({runId: prevRunId})
//Watch run{runId},(record)=>{
// Every new record is the latest transition state of the workflow run
activePaths: record.activePaths,
context: record.context,
timestamp: record.timestamp,
runId: record.runId
//resume run
stepId: "step-id",
contextData: { key: "value" },
Workflow run result
A workflow run result yields the following:
Field | Type | Description |
activePaths | Array<{ stepId: string; stepPath: string[]; status: 'completed' | 'suspended' | 'pending' }> | Currently active paths in the workflow with their execution status |
context | { steps: Record<string, { status: 'completed' | 'suspended' | 'running'; [key: string]: any }> } | Current workflow context including step statuses and additional step data |
timestamp | number | Unix timestamp of when this transition occurred |
runId | string | Unique identifier for this workflow run instance |
suspendedSteps | Record<string, any> | Map of currently suspended steps and their suspension data |