Workflows API

The Workflows API provides methods to interact with and execute automated workflows in Mastra.

Getting All Workflows

Retrieve a list of all available workflows:

const workflows = await client.getWorkflows();

Working with a Specific Workflow

Get an instance of a specific workflow:

const workflow = client.getWorkflow("workflow-id");

Workflow Methods

Get Workflow Details

Retrieve detailed information about a workflow:

const details = await workflow.details();

Execute Workflow

Execute a workflow with input parameters:

const result = await workflow.execute({
  input: {
    param1: "value1",
    param2: "value2",

Resume Workflow

Resume a suspended workflow step:

const result = await workflow.resume({
  stepId: "step-id",
  runId: "run-id",
  contextData: { key: "value" },

Watch Workflow

Watch workflow transitions in real-time:

const response = await;
// Read Transition Data from response body
const reader = response.body.getReader();
let buffer = "";
while (true) {
  const { done, value } = await;
  if (done) break;
  buffer += new TextDecoder().decode(value);
  // Split the buffer into records
  const records = buffer.split("\x1E");
  buffer = records.pop() || "";
  // Process each record
  for (const record of records) {
    // Handle each record
    const { activePaths, context, timestamp } = record;