Memory API

The Memory API provides methods to manage conversation threads and message history in Mastra.

Memory Thread Operations

Get All Threads

Retrieve all memory threads for a specific resource:

const threads = await client.getMemoryThreads({
  resourceId: "resource-1",
  agentId: "agent-1"

Create a New Thread

Create a new memory thread:

const thread = await client.createMemoryThread({
  title: "New Conversation",
  metadata: { category: "support" },
  resourceid: "resource-1",
  agentId: "agent-1"

Working with a Specific Thread

Get an instance of a specific memory thread:

const thread = client.getMemoryThread("thread-id", "agent-id");

Thread Methods

Get Thread Details

Retrieve details about a specific thread:

const details = await thread.get();

Update Thread

Update thread properties:

const updated = await thread.update({
  title: "Updated Title",
  metadata: { status: "resolved" },
  resourceid: "resource-1",

Delete Thread

Delete a thread and its messages:

await thread.delete();

Message Operations

Save Messages

Save messages to memory:

const savedMessages = await client.saveMessageToMemory({
  messages: [
      role: "user",
      content: "Hello!",
      id: "1",
      threadId: "thread-1",
      createdAt: new Date(),
      type: "text",
  agentId: "agent-1"

Get Memory Status

Check the status of the memory system:

const status = await client.getMemoryStatus("agent-id");