ExamplesWorkflowsCreating a Workflow

Creating a Simple Workflow

A workflow allows you to define and execute sequences of operations in a structured path. This example shows a workflow with a single step.

import { Step, Workflow } from "@mastra/core/workflows";
import { z } from "zod";
const myWorkflow = new Workflow({
  name: "my-workflow",
  triggerSchema: z.object({
    input: z.number(),
const stepOne = new Step({
  id: "stepOne",
  inputSchema: z.object({
    value: z.number(),
  outputSchema: z.object({
    doubledValue: z.number(),
  execute: async ({ context }) => {
    const doubledValue = context?.triggerData?.input * 2;
    return { doubledValue };
const { runId, start } = myWorkflow.createRun();
const res = await start({
  triggerData: { input: 90 },

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