Workflow with Suspend and Resume
Workflow steps can be suspended and resumed at any point in the workflow execution. This example demonstrates how to suspend a workflow step and resume it later.
Basic Example
import { Mastra } from '@mastra/core';
import { Step, Workflow } from '@mastra/core/workflows';
import { z } from 'zod';
const stepOne = new Step({
id: 'stepOne',
outputSchema: z.object({
doubledValue: z.number(),
execute: async ({ context }) => {
const doubledValue = context.triggerData.inputValue * 2;
return { doubledValue };
const stepTwo = new Step({
id: 'stepTwo',
outputSchema: z.object({
incrementedValue: z.number(),
execute: async ({ context, suspend }) => {
const secondValue = context.inputData?.secondValue ?? 0;
const doubledValue = context.getStepResult(stepOne)?.doubledValue ?? 0;
const incrementedValue = doubledValue + secondValue;
if (incrementedValue < 100) {
await suspend();
return { incrementedValue: 0 };
return { incrementedValue };
// Build the workflow
const myWorkflow = new Workflow({
name: 'my-workflow',
triggerSchema: z.object({
inputValue: z.number(),
// run workflows in parallel
// Register the workflow
export const mastra = new Mastra({
workflows: { registeredWorkflow: myWorkflow },
// Get registered workflow from Mastra
const registeredWorkflow = mastra.getWorkflow('registeredWorkflow');
const { runId, start } = registeredWorkflow.createRun();
// Start watching the workflow before executing it ({ context, activePaths }) => {
for (const _path of activePaths) {
const stepTwoStatus = context.steps?.stepTwo?.status;
if (stepTwoStatus === 'suspended') {
console.log("Workflow suspended, resuming with new value");
// Resume the workflow with new context
await myWorkflow.resume({
stepId: 'stepTwo',
context: { secondValue: 100 },
// Start the workflow execution
await start({ triggerData: { inputValue: 45 } });
Advanced Example with Multiple Suspension Points Using async/await pattern and suspend payloads
This example demonstrates a more complex workflow with multiple suspension points using the async/await pattern. It simulates a content generation workflow that requires human intervention at different stages.
import { Mastra } from '@mastra/core';
import { Step, Workflow } from '@mastra/core/workflows';
import { z } from 'zod';
// Step 1: Get user input
const getUserInput = new Step({
id: 'getUserInput',
execute: async ({ context }) => {
// In a real application, this might come from a form or API
return { userInput: context.triggerData.input };
outputSchema: z.object({ userInput: z.string() }),
// Step 2: Generate content with AI (may suspend for human guidance)
const promptAgent = new Step({
id: 'promptAgent',
inputSchema: z.object({
guidance: z.string(),
execute: async ({ context, suspend }) => {
const userInput = context.getStepResult(getUserInput)?.userInput;
console.log(`Generating content based on: ${userInput}`);
const guidance = context.inputData?.guidance;
// Simulate AI generating content
const initialDraft = generateInitialDraft(userInput);
// If confidence is high, return the generated content directly
if (initialDraft.confidenceScore > 0.7) {
return { modelOutput: initialDraft.content };
console.log('Low confidence in generated content, suspending for human guidance', {guidance});
// If confidence is low, suspend for human guidance
if (!guidance) {
// only suspend if no guidance is provided
await suspend();
return undefined;
// This code runs after resume with human guidance
console.log('Resumed with human guidance');
// Use the human guidance to improve the output
return {
modelOutput: enhanceWithGuidance(initialDraft.content, guidance),
outputSchema: z.object({ modelOutput: z.string() }).optional(),
// Step 3: Evaluate the content quality
const evaluateTone = new Step({
id: 'evaluateToneConsistency',
execute: async ({ context }) => {
const content = context.getStepResult(promptAgent)?.modelOutput;
// Simulate evaluation
return {
toneScore: { score: calculateToneScore(content) },
completenessScore: { score: calculateCompletenessScore(content) },
outputSchema: z.object({
toneScore: z.any(),
completenessScore: z.any(),
// Step 4: Improve response if needed (may suspend)
const improveResponse = new Step({
id: 'improveResponse',
inputSchema: z.object({
improvedContent: z.string(),
resumeAttempts: z.number(),
execute: async ({ context, suspend }) => {
const content = context.getStepResult(promptAgent)?.modelOutput;
const toneScore =
context.getStepResult(evaluateTone)?.toneScore.score ?? 0;
const completenessScore =
context.getStepResult(evaluateTone)?.completenessScore.score ?? 0;
const improvedContent = context.inputData.improvedContent;
const resumeAttempts = context.inputData.resumeAttempts ?? 0;
// If scores are above threshold, make minor improvements
if (toneScore > 0.8 && completenessScore > 0.8) {
return { improvedOutput: makeMinorImprovements(content) };
console.log('Content quality below threshold, suspending for human intervention', {improvedContent, resumeAttempts});
if (!improvedContent) {
// Suspend with payload containing content and resume attempts
await suspend({
scores: { tone: toneScore, completeness: completenessScore },
needsImprovement: toneScore < 0.8 ? 'tone' : 'completeness',
resumeAttempts: resumeAttempts + 1,
return { improvedOutput: content ?? '' };
console.log('Resumed with human improvements', improvedContent);
return { improvedOutput: improvedContent ?? content ?? '' };
outputSchema: z.object({ improvedOutput: z.string() }).optional(),
// Step 5: Final evaluation
const evaluateImproved = new Step({
id: 'evaluateImprovedResponse',
execute: async ({ context }) => {
const improvedContent = context.getStepResult(improveResponse)?.improvedOutput;
// Simulate final evaluation
return {
toneScore: { score: calculateToneScore(improvedContent) },
completenessScore: { score: calculateCompletenessScore(improvedContent) },
outputSchema: z.object({
toneScore: z.any(),
completenessScore: z.any(),
// Build the workflow
const contentWorkflow = new Workflow({
name: 'content-generation-workflow',
triggerSchema: z.object({ input: z.string() }),
// Register the workflow
const mastra = new Mastra({
workflows: { contentWorkflow },
// Helper functions (simulated)
function generateInitialDraft(input: string = '') {
// Simulate AI generating content
return {
content: `Generated content based on: ${input}`,
confidenceScore: 0.6, // Simulate low confidence to trigger suspension
function enhanceWithGuidance(content: string = '', guidance: string = '') {
return `${content} (Enhanced with guidance: ${guidance})`;
function makeMinorImprovements(content: string = '') {
return `${content} (with minor improvements)`;
function calculateToneScore(_: string = '') {
return 0.7; // Simulate a score that will trigger suspension
function calculateCompletenessScore(_: string = '') {
return 0.9;
// Usage example
async function runWorkflow() {
const workflow = mastra.getWorkflow('contentWorkflow');
const { runId, start } = workflow.createRun();
let finalResult: any;
// Start the workflow
const initialResult = await start({
triggerData: { input: 'Create content about sustainable energy' },
console.log('Initial workflow state:', initialResult.results);
const promptAgentStepResult = initialResult.activePaths.get('promptAgent');
// Check if promptAgent step is suspended
if (promptAgentStepResult?.status === 'suspended') {
console.log('Workflow suspended at promptAgent step');
console.log('Suspension payload:', promptAgentStepResult?.suspendPayload);
// Resume with human guidance
const resumeResult1 = await workflow.resume({
stepId: 'promptAgent',
context: {
guidance: 'Focus more on solar and wind energy technologies',
console.log('Workflow resumed and continued to next steps');
let improveResponseResumeAttempts = 0;
let improveResponseStatus = resumeResult1?.activePaths.get('improveResponse')?.status;
// Check if improveResponse step is suspended
while (improveResponseStatus === 'suspended') {
console.log('Workflow suspended at improveResponse step');
console.log('Suspension payload:', resumeResult1?.activePaths.get('improveResponse')?.suspendPayload);
const improvedContent =
improveResponseResumeAttempts < 3
? undefined
: 'Completely revised content about sustainable energy focusing on solar and wind technologies';
// Resume with human improvements
finalResult = await workflow.resume({
stepId: 'improveResponse',
context: {
resumeAttempts: improveResponseResumeAttempts,
improveResponseResumeAttempts =
finalResult?.activePaths.get('improveResponse')?.suspendPayload?.resumeAttempts ?? 0;
improveResponseStatus = finalResult?.activePaths.get('improveResponse')?.status;
console.log('Improved response result:', finalResult?.results);
return finalResult;
// Run the workflow
const result = await runWorkflow();
console.log('Workflow completed');
console.log('Final workflow result:', result);
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