DocsLocal DevCreating a New Project

Creating a new project

You can create a new project using the create-mastra package:

npm create mastra@latest 

You can also create a new project by using the mastra CLI directly:

npm install -g mastra@latest 
mastra create

Interactive Setup

Running commands without arguments starts a CLI prompt for:

  1. Project name
  2. Component selection
  3. LLM provider configuration
  4. API key setup
  5. Example code inclusion

Non-Interactive Setup

To initialize mastra in non-interactive mode use the following command arguments:

  --components     Specify components: agents, tools, workflows
  --llm-provider   LLM provider: openai, anthropic, groq, google, or cerebras
  --add-example    Include example implementation
  --llm-api-key    Provider API key
  --project-name   Project name that will be used in package.json and as the project directory name

Generated project structure:

├── src/
│   └── mastra/
│       └── index.ts    # Mastra entry point
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json