Workflow with Sequential Steps
Workflow can be chained to run one after another in a specific sequence.
Control Flow Diagram
This example shows how to chain workflow steps by using the then
method demonstrating how to pass data between sequential steps and execute them in order.
Here’s the control flow diagram:

Creating the Steps
Let’s start by creating the steps and initializing the workflow.
import { Step, Workflow } from "@mastra/core/workflows";
import { z } from "zod";
const stepOne = new Step({
id: "stepOne",
execute: async ({ context: { machineContext } }) => ({
doubledValue: machineContext.triggerData.inputValue * 2,
const stepTwo = new Step({
id: "stepTwo",
execute: async ({ context: { machineContext } }) => ({
machineContext.stepResults.stepOne.payload.doubledValue + 1,
const stepThree = new Step({
id: "stepThree",
execute: async ({ context: { machineContext } }) => ({
machineContext.stepResults.stepTwo.payload.incrementedValue * 3,
// Build the workflow
const myWorkflow = new Workflow({
name: "my-workflow",
triggerSchema: z.object({
inputValue: z.number(),
Chaining the Steps and Executing the Workflow
Now let’s chain the steps together.
// sequential steps
const { runId, start } = myWorkflow.createRun();
const res = await start({ triggerData: { inputValue: 90 } });
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