

The resumeWithEvent() method resumes workflow execution by providing data for a specific event that the workflow is waiting for.


const run = workflow.createRun();
// After the workflow has started and suspended at an event step
await run.resumeWithEvent(eventName: string, data: any): Promise<WorkflowRunResult>


eventNamestringThe name of the event to trigger. Must match an event defined in the workflow’s events configuration.
dataanyThe event data to provide. Must conform to the schema defined for that event.

Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to a WorkflowRunResult object, containing:

  • results: The result status and output of each step in the workflow
  • activePaths: A map of active workflow paths and their states
  • value: The current state value of the workflow
  • Other workflow execution metadata


The resumeWithEvent() method is used to resume a workflow that has been suspended at an event step created by the afterEvent() method. When called, this method:

  1. Validates the provided event data against the schema defined for that event
  2. Loads the workflow snapshot from storage
  3. Updates the context with the event data in the resumedEvent field
  4. Resumes execution from the event step
  5. Continues workflow execution with the subsequent steps

This method is part of Mastra’s event-driven workflow capabilities, allowing you to create workflows that can respond to external events or user interactions.

Usage Notes

  • The workflow must be in a suspended state, specifically at the event step created by afterEvent(eventName)
  • The event data must conform to the schema defined for that event in the workflow configuration
  • The workflow will continue execution from the point it was suspended
  • If the workflow is not suspended or is suspended at a different step, this method may throw an error
  • The event data is made available to subsequent steps via context.inputData.resumedEvent


Basic Usage

// Define and start a workflow
const workflow = mastra.getWorkflow('approval-workflow');
const run = workflow.createRun();
// Start the workflow
await run.start({ triggerData: { requestId: 'req-123' } });
// Later, when the approval event occurs:
const result = await run.resumeWithEvent('approval', {
  approved: true,
  approverName: 'John Doe',
  comment: 'Looks good to me!'

With Error Handling

try {
  const result = await run.resumeWithEvent('paymentReceived', {
    amount: 100.50,
    transactionId: 'tx-456',
    paymentMethod: 'credit-card',
  console.log('Workflow resumed successfully:', result.results);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Failed to resume workflow with event:', error);
  // Handle error - could be invalid event data, workflow not suspended, etc.

Monitoring and Auto-Resuming

// Start a workflow
const { start, watch, resumeWithEvent } = workflow.createRun();
// Watch for suspended event steps
watch(async ({ context, activePaths }) => {
  // Check if suspended at the approval event step
  if (activePaths.some(path =>
    path.stepId === '__approval_event' &&
    path.status === 'suspended'
  )) {
    console.log('Workflow waiting for approval');
    // In a real scenario, you would wait for the actual event
    // Here we're simulating with a timeout
    setTimeout(async () => {
      try {
        await resumeWithEvent('approval', {
          approved: true,
          approverName: 'Auto Approver',
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Failed to auto-resume workflow:', error);
    }, 5000); // Wait 5 seconds before auto-approving
// Start the workflow
await start({ triggerData: { requestId: 'auto-123' } });