Basic RAG
This example demonstrates how to implement a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system using Mastra, OpenAI embeddings, and PGVector for vector storage.
The system implements RAG using Mastra and OpenAI. Here’s what it does:
- Sets up a Mastra agent with GPT-4o-mini for response generation
- Creates a vector query tool to manage vector store interactions
- Chunks text documents into smaller segments
- Creates embeddings for these chunks
- Stores them in a PostgreSQL vector database
- Retrieves relevant chunks based on queries using vector query tool
- Generates context-aware responses using the Mastra agent
Environment Setup
Make sure to set up your environment variables:
Then, import the necessary dependencies:
import { Mastra, Agent, EmbedManyResult } from '@mastra/core';
import { embed, MDocument, PgVector, createVectorQueryTool } from '@mastra/rag';
Vectory Query Tool Creation
Using createVectorQueryTool imported from @mastra/rag, you can create a tool that can query the vector database.
const vectorQueryTool = createVectorQueryTool({
vectorStoreName: 'pgVector',
indexName: 'embeddings',
options: {
provider: 'OPEN_AI',
model: 'text-embedding-ada-002',
maxRetries: 3,
topK: 3,
Agent Configuration
Set up the Mastra agent that will handle the responses:
export const ragAgent = new Agent({
name: 'RAG Agent',
'You are a helpful assistant that answers questions based on the provided context. Keep your answers concise and relevant.',
model: {
provider: 'OPEN_AI',
name: 'gpt-4o-mini',
tools: {
Instantiate PgVector and Mastra
Instantiate PgVector and Mastra with all components:
const pgVector = new PgVector(process.env.POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING!);
export const mastra = new Mastra({
agents: { ragAgent },
vectors: { pgVector },
const agent = mastra.getAgent('ragAgent')
Document Processing
Create a document and process it into chunks:
const doc = MDocument.fromText(`The Impact of Climate Change on Global Agriculture...`)
const chunks = await doc.chunk({
strategy: 'recursive',
size: 512,
overlap: 50,
separator: '\n',
Creating and Storing Embeddings
Generate embeddings for the chunks and store them in the vector database:
const { embeddings } = await embed(chunks, {
provider: "OPEN_AI",
model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
maxRetries: 3,
}) as EmbedManyResult<string>
const vectorStore = mastra.getVector('pgVector');
await vectorStore.createIndex("embeddings", 1536)
await vectorStore.upsert(
chunks?.map((chunk: any) => ({ text: chunk.text }))
Response Generation
Function to generate responses based on retrieved context:
async function generateResponse(query: string) {
const prompt = `
Please answer the following question:
Please base your answer only on the context provided in the tool. If the context doesn't
contain enough information to fully answer the question, please state that explicitly.
const completion = await agent.generate(prompt)
return completion.text
Example Usage
async function answerQueries(queries: string[]) {
for (const query of queries) {
try {
const answer = await generateResponse(query)
console.log('\nQuery:', query)
console.log('Response:', answer)
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing query "${query}":`, error)
const queries = [
"What are the main points in the article?",
"How does temperature affect crop yields?",
"What solutions are farmers implementing?",
"What are the future challenges mentioned in the text?",
await answerQueries(queries)
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