mastra dev Reference

The mastra dev command starts a development server that exposes REST routes for your agents, tools, and workflows,



Specifies the path to your Mastra folder (containing agents, tools, and workflows). Defaults to the current working directory.


Comma-separated paths to additional tool directories that should be registered. For example: 'src/tools/dbTools,src/tools/scraperTools'.


Specifies the port number for the development server. Defaults to 4111.


Starting the server with mastra dev exposes a set of REST routes by default:

System Routes

  • GET /api: Get API status.

Agent Routes

Agents are expected to be exported from src/mastra/agents.

  • GET /api/agents: Lists the registered agents found in your Mastra folder.
  • GET /api/agents/:agentId: Get agent by ID.
  • GET /api/agents/:agentId/evals/ci: Get CI evals by agent ID.
  • GET /api/agents/:agentId/evals/live: Get live evals by agent ID.
  • POST /api/agents/:agentId/generate: Sends a text-based prompt to the specified agent, returning the agent’s response.
  • POST /api/agents/:agentId/stream: Stream a response from an agent.
  • POST /api/agents/:agentId/instructions: Update an agent’s instructions.
  • POST /api/agents/:agentId/instructions/enhance: Generate an improved system prompt from instructions.
  • GET /api/agents/:agentId/speakers: Get available speakers for an agent.
  • POST /api/agents/:agentId/speak: Convert text to speech using the agent’s voice provider.
  • POST /api/agents/:agentId/listen: Convert speech to text using the agent’s voice provider.
  • POST /api/agents/:agentId/tools/:toolId/execute: Execute a tool through an agent.

Tool Routes

Tools are expected to be exported from src/mastra/tools (or the configured tools directory).

  • GET /api/tools: Get all tools.
  • GET /api/tools/:toolId: Get tool by ID.
  • POST /api/tools/:toolId/execute: Invokes a specific tool by name, passing input data in the request body.

Workflow Routes

Workflows are expected to be exported from src/mastra/workflows (or the configured workflows directory).

  • GET /api/workflows: Get all workflows.
  • GET /api/workflows/:workflowId: Get workflow by ID.
  • POST /api/workflows/:workflowName/start: Starts the specified workflow.
  • POST /api/workflows/:workflowName/:instanceId/event: Sends an event or trigger signal to an existing workflow instance.
  • GET /api/workflows/:workflowName/:instanceId/status: Returns status info for a running workflow instance.
  • POST /api/workflows/:workflowId/resume: Resume a suspended workflow step.
  • POST /api/workflows/:workflowId/resumeAsync: Resume a suspended workflow step asynchronously.
  • POST /api/workflows/:workflowId/createRun: Create a new workflow run.
  • POST /api/workflows/:workflowId/startAsync: Execute/Start a workflow asynchronously.
  • GET /api/workflows/:workflowId/watch: Watch workflow transitions in real-time.

Memory Routes

  • GET /api/memory/status: Get memory status.
  • GET /api/memory/threads: Get all threads.
  • GET /api/memory/threads/:threadId: Get thread by ID.
  • GET /api/memory/threads/:threadId/messages: Get messages for a thread.
  • POST /api/memory/threads: Create a new thread.
  • PATCH /api/memory/threads/:threadId: Update a thread.
  • DELETE /api/memory/threads/:threadId: Delete a thread.
  • POST /api/memory/save-messages: Save messages.

Telemetry Routes

  • GET /api/telemetry: Get all traces.

Log Routes

  • GET /api/logs: Get all logs.
  • GET /api/logs/transports: List of all log transports.
  • GET /api/logs/:runId: Get logs by run ID.

Vector Routes

  • POST /api/vector/:vectorName/upsert: Upsert vectors into an index.
  • POST /api/vector/:vectorName/create-index: Create a new vector index.
  • POST /api/vector/:vectorName/query: Query vectors from an index.
  • GET /api/vector/:vectorName/indexes: List all indexes for a vector store.
  • GET /api/vector/:vectorName/indexes/:indexName: Get details about a specific index.
  • DELETE /api/vector/:vectorName/indexes/:indexName: Delete a specific index.

OpenAPI Specification

  • GET /openapi.json: Returns an auto-generated OpenAPI specification for your project’s routes.
  • GET /swagger-ui: Access Swagger UI for API documentation.

Additional Notes

The port defaults to 4111.

Make sure you have your environment variables set up in your .env.development or .env file for any providers you use (e.g., OPENAI_API_KEY, ANTHROPIC_API_KEY, etc.).

Example request

To test an agent after running mastra dev:

curl -X POST http://localhost:4111/api/agents/myAgent/generate \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "messages": [
      { "role": "user", "content": "Hello, how can you assist me today?" }