ReferenceMastra Config

Here’s the structure of the mastra.config.ts file:

Framework Configuration


  • name: string - The name of your Mastra project.


Mastra needs a database to store the state of the system: authentication credentials and synced records. Right now we only support Postgres.

  • db: object - Database configuration.
    • provider: ‘postgres’ - The database provider.
    • uri: string - The connection URI for your database.

When you deploy, we recommend setting uri to an environment variable so that you can have different values for production and development.


Mastra uses Inngest to run background jobs, like refreshing credentials and syncing records.

  • runner: object - The runner configuration.
    • provider: ‘inngest’ - The runner provider.
    • uri: string - The connection URI for your runner.

When you deploy, we recommend setting uri to an environment variable so that you can have different values for production and development.

Other fields

  • systemHostURL (optional): string - Mastra uses this when it’s creating OAuth connection strings. Defaults to process.env.APP_URL.
  • routeRegistrationPath (optional): string - Mastra puts a templated route.js folder in your app at this path that works with Next.js to handle. Defaults to /api/mastra.

Integration Configuration

  • integrations: Integration[] - An array of integration instances to be used in your project.

Integrations have to be individually installed, authenticated, and imported in the mastra.config.ts file. If you use the admin app, it will help you with the process.

The integration config object will vary depending on the authentication type of the integration:

  • OAuth-based integrations will have CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and SCOPES as required fields.
  • API key-based integrations will have API_KEY as a required field.
  • Basic auth-based integrations will have USERNAME and PASSWORD as required fields.

Integrations can also define additional required or optional fields. Look at the package README for additional details.

Workflow Configuration (optional)

Workflows consume events and trigger actions. Your system will define the events that can trigger workflows, and you can also consume events from external systems.

  • workflows: object - Workflow configuration.
    • systemEvents: Record<string, SystemEvent> - An object defining events that happen in your app that you want to trigger workflows from.
    • blueprintDirPath: string - The directory path for storing blueprints (defaults to /mastra-blueprints).
    • systemApis: SystemApis[] - An array of system-level apis.