ReferenceCustom Integrations

Creating Custom Integrations

Mastra allows you to create custom integrations, if you want to integrate with a third-party API that isn’t supported already.

There are three things you need to configure:

  1. Basic integration details in integrations/integrations.json
  2. Export an integration class from a folder in integrations/
  3. Import the integration in mastra-config.ts

Step 1: Add integration details

Mastra looks for an integrations directory in the root of the repo, and expects to find a file called integrations.json in there.

Here’s an example of what the file should look like:

    "name": "Sample Integration",
    "packageName": "sample-integration",
    "logoUrl": "",
    "authType": "OAUTH",
    "availableScopes": ["read", "write"],
    "config": {},
    "isUserDefined": true

Step 2: Export an integration class

Create a folder named after the integration in integrations/ and add an index.ts file.

import { Integration, IntegrationAuth, IntegrationCredentialType } from '@mastra/core';
export class SampleIntegration extends Integration {
  constructor({ config }: { config: Record<string, any> }) {
      name: 'Sample Integration',
  getAuthenticator() {
    return new IntegrationAuth({
      // @ts-ignore
      onConnectionCreated: () => {
        // TODO
      config: {
        AUTH_TYPE: IntegrationCredentialType.OAUTH,
        CLIENT_ID: this.config.CLIENT_ID,
        CLIENT_SECRET: this.config.CLIENT_SECRET,
        REDIRECT_URI: this.config.REDIRECT_URI || this.corePresets.redirectURI,
        SERVER: '',
        AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT: '/-/oauth_authorize/',
        TOKEN_ENDPOINT: '/-/oauth_token/',
        SCOPES: [],
      dataAccess: this.dataLayer!,

Step 3: Import the integration

At this point, your custom integration will be available in your admin console, so you can either install it there, or import the integration directly in mastra.config.ts:

import { SampleIntegration } from './integrations/sample-integration';
// rest of config
export const config: Config = {
  integrations: [
    new SampleIntegration({
      config: {
        CLIENT_ID: process.env.SAMPLE_CLIENT_ID!,
        SCOPES: undefined,